Dr. Christine Duquette, PsyD, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist #124222
Office: 18700 Beach Blvd., Suite 160
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Hi, I am Chris (she/her) and I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in individual and couples therapy in Huntington Beach. I'm also an EMDR therapist and have a special focus in the area of complex trauma. I support Health at Every Size (HAES), Intuitive Eating, and body inclusivity for all sizes and abilities. I am LGBTQIA affirming and inclusive of all identities. I previously worked as a therapist in a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and Intense Outpatient Program (PHP) for a range of clients who required higher levels of care and as a counselor with young people in the Huntington Beach school district. I work and live in Huntington Beach. I serve Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Long Beach, Orange County and all of California.
Huntington Beach Therapy Offices